Exploring for me is learning about the authenticity of the place, finding the masked off details and disappearing in my own unique way. You might find it cliched, but I am very much alive when I'm travelling to find hidden valleys or getting thrilled by the adventure the place has in bucket for me. I try to capture the little moments, the enchanted beauty the place has to offer and here I am presenting it to you in the best possible way.


Fashion for me is being able to express ourselves in a way that defines us. I can switch from being very comfortable in my sweats to being very excited about getting dressed up and it all depends on my very different moods. I believe that everybody have their own sense of personal style unique in every way. The idea behind this category is to express my sense of personal style and my choices in an attempt to define myself better.


As much as I love creating content and writing stories, I have always loved listening to people's stories. I think we can learn different perspectives, improve our thoughts and also create awareness from their experiences. With this category, I intend to create a platform for your stories, experiences or just thoughts be it. Ranging from your travels to your personal experiences or even things you have bottled up for a long time and you want to share? You can definitely do it here. So lets hear to stories and try to help in meaningful ways.


According to me life is a continuous journey of learning different things and experimenting new interests until we find the one that wakes us up without alarms and keeps us awake at nights involuntarily. I can say that I am definitely finding my way around experimenting every little thing life is offering and evaluating my interests. In this category of mine, you can find me doing random things, some of which you can probably relate to. Hope you enjoy this space.